Private Placement Life Insurance for Use by Financial Professionals
Partnering with Financial Advisors to offer Private Placement Life Insurance and Annuity structures in order to reduce, defer or eliminate taxation from tax-inefficient investments.
Private Placement Life Insurance (PPLI)
By combining tax-inefficient investments with tax-favorable life insurance and annuity structures, 3cStructures is able to reduce, defer or eliminate taxation on traditional and alternative investments while preserving a client’s choice of investment manager and custodian. Solutions are available for U.S., non-U.S. and U.S.-nexus individual and institutional clients.
Private Placement Variable Annuities (PPVA)
The ability to offer tax-deferral, capital growth and investment flexibility for those seeking asset protection for life or a set period of time. 3cStructures offers a comprehensive set of annuity solutions to serve the needs of individual and institutional clients and to help them address long-term financial security, retirement income, diversification or principal preservation needs
Investment Structuring
3cStructures assists its clients developing, launching and maintaining investment solutions in most asset classes, in a variety of legal structures and a range of fund domiciles. Our firm has a highly regarded history of structuring and implementing many dedicated and commingled institutional and retail investment vehicles.
Our firm designs private placement insurance structures and investments with both the client and financial advisor in mind. By deferring, reducing, and eliminating taxation from highly tax-inefficient investments to benefit individual and institutional clients, 3cStructures helps grow assets under management while permitting the financial advisor to continue managing the investments and selecting the custodian.
Financial advisors are able to enhance performance, maintain investment flexibility and strengthen their client relationships.
Bespoke life insurance and annuity structures permit institutional investors to improve tax-efficiency and risk-based-capital treatment of investments, offset the costs associated with employee benefit obligations and incentivize key employees. These structures can also eliminate FIRPTA for foreign investors into U.S. real estate and eliminate Unrelated Business Taxable Income (UBTI) for tax-exempt investors.
3cStructures specializes in structuring and implementing investment solutions tailored for PPLI, PPVA, I-COLI, COLI, BOLI, Hedging Strategies and Non-qualified Benefit Plans.
3cStructures designs and implements customized structures designed to tax-efficiently preserve, grow and transfer wealth. Our experienced and highly-trained team specializes in providing expert guidance and customized risk management assistance to high net worth (HNW) individuals and their families via financial professionals, including investment advisors and family offices. Solutions are institutionally priced and reserved for qualified clients engaged in sophisticated personal and business planning.
Sam formed 3cStructures to make tax-efficient private placement life insurance structures more accessible and user-friendly to financial advisors. Drawing from decades of designing and building investment funds and other financial products, he has successfully enhanced the outcome for HNW and institutional clients while creating new revenue opportunities for financial advisors.
Prior to launching 3cStructures, Sam created, ran and sold a number of investment engineering companies, including Enspire, Synodex and Cofunds. He began his career with roles at Fidelity and Goldman Sachs. Sam is a graduate of Harvard University where he earned an A.B. in Economics and played Varsity Football.